Headmistress' weekly letter - 26 February 2021

It is lovely to see the girls back after half-term. They have obviously recharged their batteries and are ready for the next few weeks. I am sure that the majority of us welcome the news about the full reopening of schools on the 8th March, whilst at the same time perhaps feeling a little anxious about a variety of matters. I hope that we can reassure you that all of our safety measures remain in place and will be renewed and refreshed. If your son or daughter has particular anxieties please do get in touch with Miss Smart, Mrs Gillet, Mrs Rycroft or Mrs Reynolds. We are happy to talk these anxieties through and to reassure you.
In assembly, on Monday I spoke about the need for perseverance and ingenuity- comparing the weeks ahead with the Mars Mission! Although there is less that is unknown now, I have greatly admired the tenacity and creativity that the girls have consistently applied to their studies and learning this term. The potato book characters and the Egyptian clad Form I pupils appearing in assembly this morning being just two examples of this.
We were delighted to host several virtual coffee mornings for parents in the last few weeks, and have been pleased to reassure our families that almost without exception we feel that the pupils have not suffered academically. This gives us the luxury of being able to focus on fun, friendships and, dare I say it, perhaps even some much-longed-for frivolity, in amongst the continued learning that will take place over the remainder of this academic year.
As the sun shines and we look forward to the final week of virtual school I wish you all a happy and relaxing weekend.