Godstowe School Shrubbery Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR Tel: 01494 529273


Godstowe School Shrubbery Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR Tel: 01494 529273

Wellbeing & Mental Health

At Godstowe, the wellbeing of our pupils comes first.  Visitors often comment on the happy and positive atmosphere in the school.

"Pupils’ excellent self-knowledge extends to their inner sense of self-worth; pupils are confident, self-assured and positive." – ISI Inspection Report 2018

A warm community where our pupils are happy and feel valued

Ensuring girls know their voice is heard is particularly important to us. 

Each tutor group elects a girl to represent them at the School Council meetings which are held twice a term. They can bring up any issues and concerns, and these are acted upon by the school leadership team where possible.

All of the year 7 pupils are given the role of prefects in the Summer term and this continues until the end of year 8

In the final year, there are lots of roles of responsibility including Sports captains, House captains, Heads and Deputies of Boarding houses and the eight School Monitors. From the elected School Monitors, Head of School and two Deputies are chosen. These posts of responsibility allow girls to affect change and have their opinions heard. We also appoint mental health ambassadors and these girls will be trained using the programme included in The Wellbeing Hub. 

Boarding staff, Form Tutors, Head of EYFS, Head of Key Stage 1, Heads of Upper and Lower School and all the teaching staff really get to know each girl in their care. All our pupils are treated as individuals and we support and nurture each girl appropriately according to their own specific needs so that they can reach their potential both socially and academically.

Mrs Reynolds is our Deputy Head in charge of pupil development and the girls can go talk to her at any time if they have any worries or concerns. 

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