Godstowe School Shrubbery Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR Tel: 01494 529273


Godstowe School Shrubbery Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR Tel: 01494 529273


Godstowe School has an excellent team of experienced, caring and highly qualified staff. Please use the list below to find the member of staff you are looking for.

Godstowe's Leadership Team


Miss Kate Bailey M.A. (Hons) PGCE 


Mrs Donna Sweeney B.Ed. (Hons)

Deputy Head, School Development; Designated Safety Lead

Mrs Fiona Reynolds

Deputy Head, Pupil Development; Deputy Designated Safety Lead

Mrs Rebecca Rycroft

Deputy Head, Co-Curricular 
Mrs Samantha North

Director of Finance and Operations

Mr Paul Adams B.A. (Hons) QTS NPQH

Assistant Deputy Head, Academic

Mrs Michele Western-Kaye

Assistant Deputy Head, Boarding; Turner Houseparent




Godstowe's Teaching Staff

Mrs Karen Abbi, MA (Oxon) PGCEHead of Classics and IV Form Tutor
Mrs Kate AdamsTransition Teacher
Mrs Anita Agopian, BA (Hons) PGCEModern Languages Teacher and UIII Tutor
Mrs Joanne Anstiss, B.A QTSForm II Teacher
Mrs Natasha Baker, MA (Cantab) GTPEnglish Teacher
Mr Will BaxterPE Teacher (Lacrosse Specialist) 
Mrs Fiona BennettEmotional Literacy Support Assistant 
Mrs Zoe BoxleyPE Assistant
Miss Lydia BrearleyGap Assistant, Lodge
Ms Marie BrownLodge Teaching Assistant
Mrs Sam CameronPE Teacher (Netball Specialist)
Mr Michael Clarke BScHead of Swimming; Swimming Pool Manager
Miss Ciara CorcoranGap Assistant
Miss Charlene CrossEnglish Teacher
Miss Elizabeth CorbettMusic Teacher
Mrs Hannah Cox LLB Law (Hons) PGCEForm I Teacher
Ms Katie Donkor BA (Hons) PGCEHead of Digital Learning
Mrs Anna Elson MALibrarian 
Mrs Harriet Emmerton BA (Hons)Teaching Assistant, Lodge
Mr Simon Emm, BA (Hons) PGCEHead of History and MIII Form Tutor
Mrs Pauline Felt, NNEBTeaching Assistant, Beginners
Mrs Sue FormbyPE Teacher
Miss Hannah George, B.A. (Hons) PGCEKindergarten Teacher, Acting Head of Key Stage 1
Mrs Kiran Gommo, BA (Hons) GTPKindergarten Teacher
Mr Kris GreigPE Teacher
Mrs Lucy Gwiazda, QTS, Graduate in Education (Masters, Poland)Deputy Head of Nursery; Acting Head of Nursery
Mr Roger Hanson, MA (Oxon), MSc (Bath), PGCE (Cantab)Science and Maths Teacher
Miss Emma HellemonsGap Assistant, Lodge
Miss Emily Henwood, B.A. (Hons) PGCEBeginners Teacher; Acting Head of EYFS
Mrs Tamsin Hornett, MA (Hons), PGCEForm I Teacher; Deputy Head of Lower School
Mrs Hayley Humphries, BA (Hons)Head of Lower School
Mrs Sarah Hutcherson, BEd (Hons)Transition Teacher
Mrs Maria IgnatiusHead of MFL
Miss Margaret Joyce, BSc (Hons) PGCEGeography and Maths Teacher, and Science Technician
Mrs Lesley-Ann Kane, BEd (Hons) (Cantab)Science Teacher, UIII Form Tutor
Mrs Rosalind Lake, BEdHead of Theology, Philosophy & Religion, Charities Co-ordinator and UIII Form Tutor
Miss Catherine LambertDirector of Drama
Mrs Beverley LedgerTeaching Assistant, Lodge
Mrs Nicola Lee-Metcalfe, BA (Hons), PGCEHead of Design Technology and Head of Upper School 
Mrs Biba Lloyd BA (QTS) MADirector of Sport
Mrs Katherine MacDougall BSc (Hons) PGCEHead of Geography, PE Teacher and LIII Form Tutor
Mrs Melanie Martin MMus, PGDip, BMus (Hons)Director of Music, LIII Form Tutor
Miss Lia MichalekGap Assistant, Main School
Miss Indiana Nguyen-SawersGap Assistant, Main School
Ms Lisa O'BrienNursery Assistant (maternity cover)
Miss Lydia Palmer, B.A. Hons Maths and TeachingHead of Maths and UIII Tutor (maternity leave)
Mrs Alison Pana, BSc (Hons) PGCEHead of Science and IV Form Tutor
Miss Issy Papworth SmithKey Stage 2 Teacher
Mrs Helen Prescott Teacher of French and Geography, LIII Form Tutor
Mr Florin Rau, MA TEFL, TYLECHead of EAL
Mrs Vasilica RauLodge PE Teacher
Mrs Ravina Ruparell (neé Kiri)Teaching Assistant, Beginners
Ms Amreet SanghaJoint Head of Learning Support
Miss Cerys SimmonsGap Assistant, Main School
Mrs Lenka SmithMaths Teacher (maternity cover)
Miss Cleo SloggettAssistant PE Teacher 
Mrs Nina Sloggett, BA (Hons) PGCEHead of Art and UIII Form Tutor
Mrs Hannah Smart, BA (Hons), ITTHead of Early Years (maternity leave)
Miss Melissa Vaughan, NVQ Level 3Nursery Assistant
Miss Pia Vejsholt, BA (Hons) NVQ Level 3Nursery Teacher; Acting Deputy Head of Nursery
Ms Laura de Villiers, BA (Hons) MA BEd HDEHead of English,
Mrs Heidi WaegnerJoint Head of Learning Support
Miss Sophie Winnard, BA (Hons) PGCEBeginners Teacher

Godstowe's Boarding Staff


Miss Elizabeth CatonBoarding Assistant, Highlands House
Miss Lin ClarkBoarding Assistant, Walker House
Ms Bethany HughesDeputy Housemistress, Walker House
Miss Clara IrvingBoarding Assistant, Turner House
Mrs Sam JackDeputy Housemistress, Turner House
Miss Olivia JackResidential Assistant, Highlands House
Ms Hayley McIlveanHousemistress, Walker House
Miss Molly MooreBoarding Assistant, Highlands House
Miss Joanna NicewskaBoarding Assistant, Highlands House
Miss Taylor SoperBoarding Assistant, Walker House
Godstowe's Support Staff

Mr Hussain AbbaasICT Apprentice
Mr Haroon BasharatMinibus Driver
Ms Nicky Beck BSc PGCEDirector of Admissions 
Miss Melanie BirdGroundsperson
Mrs Joe BlakeAdministrative Assistant/Activities and Enrichment Co-ordinator
Mrs Nicola Cousin RN (Child), SCPHN SN (School Nurse)School Nurse
Mrs Dionne DibbleMinibus Driver
Mr Andrew EvansMinibus Driver
Mrs Estelle Holmes Music Administrator
Miss Claire HusseySchool Nurse
Mr Jeff JonesEstates Team
Mrs Joanne JonesReceptionist
Mr Mark LondonMarketing Director
Mr Jack LovelockEstates Team
Miss Hannah MilesFinance Assistant
Ms Jo MistryHR Manager
Mrs Huma MushtaqArt & DT Technician
Ms Claire Nicholson, RGNNurse
Mrs Helen OliphantReceptionist
Mr Phillip OliverMinibus Driver
Mrs Becky Radburn, BA (hons)School Marketing Lead
Mr Paul RobertsMinibus Driver
Mr Hitesh Ruparell, BSc (Hons)ICT Helpdesk Manager
Mr Mouad SerifiCaretaker
Mrs Rosalind Sharkey, RGNSchool Nurse
Mrs Megan SharpePA to Headmistress
Mrs Kirstie SkinnerSchool PA, Lodge
Mrs Alison Stevenson RN (Child) School Nurse
Mr Darren WebbFacilities Manager
Mr Neil WilesEstates Team


Godstowe's Domestic Staff

Sarwat Ara

Rosette Bashizi

Amanda Bowring

Kasey Bowring

Ghulam Bushra

Karine Carneiro

Bernadette Doyle

Julie Law

Tracey Lovett

Tracy Martin

Florence Mason

Kerry Snelling

Denisa Talo

Lindsay Vaux

Michaela Vaux