Nursery and Pre-Prep weekly round-up

We hope that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing half-term holiday. This week Nursery have started a two week topic of 'Books'. The children have enjoyed looking at some of our favourite books in different areas of the curriculum. We have been counting extra stripes for The Tiger Who Came to Tea and crafting milk bottle Elmer Elephants! We have also baked Gingerbread mice from The Gruffalo, which was great fun and they tasted delicious! It was really interesting to learn about everybody's favourite book choice too. Our sound of the week in Nursery was 'u' and the children made incredible umbrellas and unicorns.
In Beginners, we have started our new topic for this half term of Growth and Change. This week we have been enjoying a story called Jasper's Beanstalk, and we have even planted our very own beans. We are going to be more patient than Jasper while we are waiting for our beanstalks to grow! We have also been using beanstalks to inspire our Maths learning this week, talking about measuring length and using lots of comparative language like tallest and shortest. I wonder how tall our beanstalks will grow? We can't wait to find out!
This half term, Kindergarten will be learning all about Space, and this week, they have been focussing on the Solar System. The children have learned about the Sun and the eight planets, and have started to put everything they have discovered into their very own book. In Maths, the children have made a great start on numbers up to 50 and have been getting to grips with odd and even numbers, as well as counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. In Literacy, they enjoyed writing postcards to the friendly alien from the book The Way Back Home, and even received a reply! They rounded off the week by making a space-rocket.... blast off!
Transition have been enjoying their new Maths topic of 2D shape this week, exploring properties of shapes, identifying lines of symmetry, and creating their own shape pictures. In Literacy, we have had a focus on cats and dogs, looking at stories and information about these popular pets. This theme has continued in Art, where we have been practising our drawing skills, learning to draw and colour different breeds of cats and dogs. We have been very impressed with the work that has been produced.
We are really looking forward to World Book Day next Thursday, when Lodge children can dress up as a book character, whether they are at home or school. Thank you to the Friends of Godstowe who have been organising some wonderful competitions to celebrate World Book Day, and we look forward to seeing the entries.