Nursery and Pre-Prep weekly round-up

Nursery pupils have been enjoying a pirate-themed week! Some of the most popular activities have been baking cupcakes and decorating them to look like fish, pirate-counting and addition, pirate handprint art, and some extra imaginative pirate role play. It was lovely to see the children have so much fun as they sailed off in their very own pirate ships to faraway islands! The sound of the week in Nursery has been 'm'. The children have made masks and monsters and filled their own magic bags with 'm' items that they could find.
This week, the Beginners were very excited to get started on our new topic all about dinosaurs! We have been very busy finding out lots of facts about dinosaurs and doing lots of fantastic dinosaur artwork! We also read a book called 'Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs' and we thought about what dinosaurs we would like if we had a bucket full of them too! We have also been busy learning some new digraphs in Phonics, and in Maths we have been focusing on numbers 6-10, practising our number writing and our counting skills. A big well done to the Virtual Beginners who have had a whole week of live online sessions, learning lots of new computer skills. We have also enjoyed showing all our friends our dinosaur toys and books from around our houses too!
Kindergarten children have enjoyed the start of their Antarctic topic in Geography, carrying this into their Art lessons with compositions showing Emperor penguins surrounded by the icy scenery, having focussed on the variety of colours that can be reflected by snow and ice. Having covered different methods of addition last week, the children have now turned their attention to subtraction and are learning how to decide which operation to use when tackling word problems. Kindergarten pupils were delighted to access live, online lessons this week for PE and Music, following the introduction of live French lessons last week. The children continue to become more comfortable with communicating on screen and have presented some very interesting and lively Show and Tell topics, as part of the Literacy curriculum.
It has been another busy week for Transition, with great enthusiasm being shown throughout the curriculum. In Maths, we have started our new topic on Length, and have been enjoying measuring things at home and at school using metres and centimetres. In Literacy, we have been improving our expressive writing, and it has been lovely to read so many imaginative stories and descriptions of pets and toys this week. We have been continuing with our Food Tech topic, this week using a claw grip to practise our cutting skills and then using the food to create some lovely faces. Well done to everyone in Transition for their continued hard work!