Miss Bailey's Blog - 7th June 2024

As we hit the ground running and into our welcome back Moonwalk assembly on Monday, the holidays feel like a distant memory. Starting the final stretch of our summer term with the community celebration that we did and the announcement that our Godstowe Mooners had raised over £20,000 was exciting. It was lovely to welcome our parents to join us and to see the Lodge girls looking so excited, sitting at the front with their Main School friends. It gave them a rare and special glimpse into the future, when they will move from Lodge to Main School and I know they have more plans for trips to Main School in the coming weeks.
Last night, we were treated to the Year 3 and 4 Drama Showcase with two ambitious performances of the Odyssey and Robyn Hood and her band of Merry Maids! Well done to all who took part. They were certainly challenging undertakings and they rose to the occasion, determined to shine to the best of their ability. Thank you to all who helped get our girls to their performance night.
On Monday, we wished our Year 8 girls the best of luck as they started their CE and final exams this week. Every time I’ve seen them this week, they have been calm and stoic and tonight we help them celebrate with their Leavers’ Dinner, which is quite an institution at Godstowe and a chance to let their hair down. They deserve this chance to dress up, eat delicious food and dance the evening away. Then tomorrow night, they head to Caldicott for their final social and dinner which was great fun last year and bodes well again, ahead of the girls departing for their Leaver’s expedition to Pembrokeshire on Sunday morning. These are special times at Godstowe and occasions where the girls and staff can make strong memories, relax and share each other’s company. The friendships that the girls make and enjoy here are enduring and I know there will be fun times ahead between now and 3rd July. It’s a magical time after all the hard work and effort of recent weeks and months.
Next week, the girls head off on their residentials and Form II, Lowers, Middles and Fourths will be out of the building on their own adventures as the week unfolds. I wish them all well and hope they enjoy every second of their time away. These opportunities form the bedrock of the girls’ experiences here. Choir Tours, camping, confidence-building and campfires galore… very jealous!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.