Miss Bailey's Blog - Week 11, 2023

I am writing this having arrived home after the second and final production of the Year 7 and 8’s ‘A Christmas Carol’, and what a couple of evenings it has been! To say that the performance was a showstopper and a resounding success is an understatement. A true favourite of mine, Charles Dickens’ Christmas novel is wonderful, but quite a challenge and the girls rose to the occasion and produced mature and inspiring performances and as I said on both nights, the audience were left enthralled having experienced the full range of emotions the story evokes- a true masterpiece. We thank and congratulate all the girls who took part and to Ms Cat Lambert and her dedicated team for her first full Godstowe production. I played Ebenezer Scrooge in my prep school play when I was 11 but I’m not sure I delivered my performance with the same polish and flare of our three Scrooges this week!
I was delighted to see Anti-Bullying Week embraced across the school this week and Monday’s Odd Socks Day was good fun, whilst marking the more serious message. Thank you once again to Sola Afuape and Dr Krish Kandiah who both came to speak to our Main School girls and embrace the true spirit of the week. We enjoyed our Year 8 collective musical performance in today’s assembly with their ‘Make some Noise’ collaboration, which officially closed the week’s celebrations and our efforts at Godstowe to make a noise to stop bullying.
Before the festivities really begin, I would like to wish our ISEB pre-test girls well next week. I know you will approach your tests in true Godstowe style and do ensure you take a good rest and break over the weekend. It has been a joy to see the Nursery and Beginners rehearsing for their Nativity this week. Yes, the excitement is certainly building…
And now, to the exeat weekend and I wish you all a happy few days away. It feels like really good things are happening at Godstowe - your girls and boys never cease to amaze me every day. When we are back from exeat, the school comes alive with events and festive spirit. For those that have not had the chance to enjoy this, you won’t be disappointed- it’s magical for all ages!
Have a super weekend together. Watch this space for Arlo’s School Dog Instagram page. Coming soon….