Miss Bailey's Blog - Week 19, 2024

As we wait for our water to return to normal operation, I am delighted to send you this week’s newsletter! Other than the last 24 hours, we have had a full and inspiring school week, packed full of events and learning.
I started the week with an assembly on teamwork, without knowing that the end of the week was to epitomise all the key learnings from that presentation! I am very interested in the philosophy behind leadership and teamwork, especially in a sports setting, and the motivating rowing video I found showcased the key ideas around embracing a shared common goal, being unified and dedicated and working to be synchronised and in harmony. We also viewed a beautiful video of geese flying in formation as a representation of teamwork. The geese take turns being the leader, falling back when they get tired. This means they can fly for a long time before they need to rest. The V formation makes it easier to keep track of every bird in the group. Flying in formation helps each member to communicate and coordinate with the group more effectively. On the ground, groups of geese are known as a gaggle but in the air the groups are called a skein, team, or wedge, which suggests unity and strength.
Hopefully, we shall be flying back in formation, together again from Monday. We are certainly the stronger for it! Have a good weekend and good luck to our cross-country runners at Lowndes Park and our Lacrosse Players. As I type, our girls are at the OVO in Wembley for another Young Voices extravaganza- more to follow!