Miss Bailey's Blog - 17th May 2024

Having celebrated the success of the annual Art Exhibition and Fashion Show last weekend, we have all commented on the joy and community feeling this event brings to Godstowe every year. Not only is it a chance to marvel at the talents of the students across Nursery and Year 8, but it is also an opportunity for our current and prospective families to visit and spend time together. What goes up, must come down and this week has seen the ‘Great Dismantling’ take place which is no mean feat with over 2,000 pieces of artwork to be re-homed. This means fresh wall displays around the school and this year, we have cleared out an old glass cabinet by my office and it is now adorned with Salvador Dali ceramic clocks, amongst many other pieces. This has made such a difference and I’m really pleased to see so many new artefacts on show and a chance to further showcase the work of the girls. Well done, once again to Mrs Sloggett. Mrs Mushtaq and Mrs Lee-Metcalfe for their hard work and 2024 has been another great success for the Art and DT Department.
It was lovely to welcome so many Lodge families to our breakfast event today, with a chance to meet members of the new team for September. I have been able to get to Charterhouse and Wellington this week to wave the Godstowe flag and Mrs Western-Kaye and I visited Summer Fields in Oxford on Wednesday to meet their leadership and boarding team and tour the site. I enjoy weeks like this, where the diary is packed with a wide variety of events and visits, although next week, as we head quickly to half term, I look forward to spending more quality time with the boys and girls across Lodge and Main School before the holidays.
Tomorrow we head to London for the 2024 Moonwalk Marathon! I am delighted to be a small part of our Godstowe team of walkers and champions. What a lovely chance for our staff team to walk alongside our parents, no doubt propping each other up as we near ever closer to the 26.2 mile marker into Sunday morning! Constantly amazed at many things, I have to say that trainers have certainly taken a huge step forward since I last walked this marathon back in 2003, where I completed the event in a stylish pair of Asics, which I thought were quite cutting edge at the time. However, I was delighted to receive my new pair of Brook’s recently and am in awe of the ‘walking on air’ feeling they give me – I wonder if I will be still saying this at 6am on Sunday morning – let’s see! Ready as we’ll ever be, the staff team are looking forward to meeting our Godstowe families for the Moonwalk Bus at 7.30pm tomorrow – wish us luck!
I’ve no doubt that Arlo and I shall be over to visit the boarders again on Sunday. Having turned 1 on Tuesday this week, we have really enjoyed our evenings with the Walker and Turner girls and our brilliant gap students in the lighter evenings and sun. Arlo is never happier than chasing the balls thrown for him by the girls and it is lovely to see the bond growing ever stronger here.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone and see you all on Monday.