Godstowe School Shrubbery Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR Tel: 01494 529273


Godstowe School Shrubbery Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR Tel: 01494 529273

Boarders' Corner - 13th & 14th March

Boarders' Corner - 13th & 14th March

Weekends at Godstowe are getting busier and livelier again as many more boarders have now returned to all three houses. After an unusual few months, it has been lovely to see the girls enjoy being back in the company of their friends and confidently settle into the routines and rhythms of boarding life.  

This weekend was a creative and colourful one as all the girls tried out the ‘decoupage’ technique, using patterned tissue paper to decorate jewelry boxes for a special Mother’s Day gift. The activity required thoughtfulness and patience, but also allowed the girls to chat as they worked and catch up on everything their friends had been doing during the time away from school. The finished boxes looked wonderful, especially because this craft allowed all the girls’ different personalities to shine through in their creations.    

On Saturday evening, the girls settled down to watch films in their house common rooms and, on Sunday afternoon, it was time for them to get active and head up to the pool for their swim sessions. Many of the girls had been looking forward to this all weekend and couldn’t wait to get back in the water!  

The weekend ended with a relaxed Sunday allowing everyone some time to rest before starting another exciting, busy week at Godstowe.

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Boarders' Corner - 13th & 14th March

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