Friends of Godstowe Social Event!

Friends of Godstowe would like to invite all parents to a ‘Hello & Introductions: An overview of Friends of Godstowe and introduction to the committee” on Zoom on Wednesday 17th March at 8pm.
We have not been able to hold the normal events for over 12 months now and normally we would have cake sales, parent talks, FoG coffee mornings to introduce you to our wonderful parent community, and have a chat!
Now that normality looms over the horizon, it would be great to meet as many parents as possible, and especially we extend a welcome to new parents, whether this year or last year, who have not had a chance to make the social connections.
The aim of this session is to meet online, informally, and we will explain what Friends of Godstowe is for, what we do, and hopefully learn a bit about each other as well. We will introduce as many Class reps as possible and also explain how we use Classlist (which is used at many schools now) so that you can be on it to get all the info!
I know we are all ‘onlined out’ but hopefully you can grab a cup of tea, coffee, beer, wine ... whatever takes your fancy and join in!
We do hope to see you on March 17th – please share amongst any parents you know who don’t regularly look at Classlist..
Thank you
The FoG committee
Clare, Claire, Maxine and Karen
Topic: Introduction to Friends of Godstowe
Time: Mar 17, 2021 08:00 PM London
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Meeting ID: 743 0804 1277
Passcode: 4KjDD4