Boarders' Corner - A reflection from Mr S

A whole new world!
A reflection from Turner Houseparent, Mr Scriven:
Setting aside the rather corny reference to Disney's 'Aladdin', where the main protagonist shows Princess Jasmine a previously hidden side of life in downtown Agrabah, there pervade some tangible similarities for the Godstowe boarding community.
This term has seen a number of hitherto forgotten ‘reboots’ take place…firsts since Covid took hold back in March 2020.
Perhaps the most noticeable return to normality has been the reintroduction of mixed year groups into the boarding houses. For example, in Turner, the previous academic year had been spent with the same 18 Fourths living together under one roof, without spending any time socially with their peers and contemporaries outside of the school day. Conversely, this term has seen part-time borders return to every house, bringing with it variety and colour. As a result, there are now 30 girls in Turner house across three year groups, with the total number of boarders just four runs shy of a century!
Allied to this increase in boarding numbers comes the permission now for the boarding houses to mix again. Last night, for example, Middles in both Highlands and Turner spent the evening together in ‘Sardines’ mode outside, whilst the Uppers and Fourths from both houses played ‘Krashmat Kricket’ - a game legendary amongst Godstowe boarders and a right of passage for the younger girls – in the Sports Hall until 8:30pm.
Next comes food! The ability to converse without being separated by plastic screens has been very welcome. Staff and girls now mix at mealtimes, sometimes randomly, at other times in a more structured way. As a result, the Dining Room is a much louder place now, as girls realise again the joy of laughter and good conversation over a meal.
Lastly, and as popular with the boarding staff as it is with the girls, is the return to offsite trips. Last weekend saw 75 boarders head off to Brighton for the day. The weather was not the best, but that did not really seem to matter as the girls spent the day shopping, playing on the fairground rides at Brighton Palace Pier, as well as consuming a little too much British seaside fayre!
The past 18 months has required every boarder in the country to draw time after time upon inner reserves of resilience and determination. Repeated cancellations and disappointments, never-ending restrictions, whole houses in isolation, as well as the most unkind end to the 2019-20 academic year, are all examples of the blows dealt to our boarders.
Perhaps it is apt then to end by applauding those girls who have made it through and even thrived, as boarders during Covid. They will look back upon this time and perhaps marvel at how sheer grit and determination got them through such a challenging time. They will certainly have grown in character, even if they understandably do not miss the past 18 months.
As boarding practitioners, we believe passionately that boarding offers something special during the hardest of times, summarised by Robin Williams as the genie in the film: "Phenomenal cosmic powers, itty bitty living space!"