Mother's Day Poems

Our Lower Third pupils got creative in the lead-up to Mother's Day, putting their messages of appreciation in poem form. Here are a few of their verses:
My Mum is my Hero, by Eleanor B
My mum is the horizon caring our fears away
My mum is a knight ready to charge a castle
My mum is the ocean soft and calm
My mum is a lion protecting us from danger
My mum is an enchantress casting spells for our happiness
My mum is a queen gentle and stern.
My mum is my Hero and she always will be.
My Mum, by Lili S
My mum is a blooming tulip who brings hope for Spring
My mum is a feisty lion who’s tired from her day
My mum is a napping kitty, full of love and cuddles
My mum is a bright sun who showers light from the sky
My mum is a busy bee who is always at work
My mum is a furry teddy bear, fluffy and full of softness
My mum is a mountain climber who’s forever determined
My mum is a delectable custard danish, all filling and sweet
My mum is a tree who is forever sturdy and strong
Mum, by Ella T
Mum is a inspiration of my life,
Mum is a firework in the night sky,
Mum, you are the sunset and am the waves.
My mum is a candle, she lights up my world!
Mum, you blow away my thunderstorms on a cloudy day,
Mum, you are a pillow, always there to give me kisses and hugs,
Mum, you are my taxi driver, driving me back and forth.
My Mum, by Angelina S
My mum is an alarm clock, she wakes me up when I have to go to school.
My mum is honey, she is very sweet.
My mum is flowers, she looks very pretty.
My mum is a tissue, she wipes away my tears.
My mum is a bed, she always keeps me warm.
My mum is a dream, she takes away bad thoughts.
My mum is a miracle, she always saves the day.
My mum is everything, everything that I need.