Godstowe School Shrubbery Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR Tel: 01494 529273


Godstowe School Shrubbery Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR Tel: 01494 529273

In Celebration of Poetry

In Celebration of Poetry
English Prep School

We are proud to share some of the poems written by our pupils this week for National Poetry Day 2020. 


Autumn is Here 

by Oraia, Form I


Say bye to the sunny days, Autumn has come 

The cold weather has me feeling numb.


The colours that I see are brown, yellow and red

The darkness makes me want to go to bed.


Autumn means it is nearly Halloween

There are children in their costumes with their faces painted green.


See It Like A Poet

by Snow, Upper Thirds


Shh! There is a poem in a quiet secret,

Quick! There is a poem spread out on a jet black music stand,

Look! There is a poem curled up in a book from the library

There! There is a poem in a wrecked tissue box.


Aww! The is a poem in a puppy’s ear,

See! There is a poem on the piano in a music room,

Hey! There is a poem on the stage of the JK theatre,

Woah! There is a poem tucked in a wallet in Ms Green’s office.


Brr! There is a poem on the freezing cold astroturf,

Yum! There is a poem in my favourite meal,

Phew! There is a poem hanging from the netball post,

Yikes! There is a poem on the edge of the diving block.


Great! There is a poem rolled up inside a trophy,

Yes! There is a poem look with care,

Cool! There is a poem on the reception desk,

Wow! There is a poem and it’s inside ME! 

The Way of My Mind

by Aliza, Fourths


Walking into prep, thinking I know what’s what but when I step 

inside the hall my mind is wiped

I assure you that place is jinxed

All the things I thought I knew, gone


As I log onto my laptop, waiting for it to load

my brain is whirring trying to remember what I learned that day

Once signed into Classroom I don’t know what to do

The instructions laid in front of me but I can’t make out what they mean

Looking at the blank doc I created as white as freshly fallen snow


Everyone’s busy working and getting engrossed in their homework

While I am just sitting there in my hard uncomfortable chair

My eyes beginning to strain with the bright light staring back at me

As still as a statue but my mind is hard at work

Come on brain anything will do


Becoming distracted by the faintest footstep

I can't concentrate

Then when I finally think of something, it is a foriegn language 

making no sense at all

My work ends up being washed away and my page is blank once more.

See It Like A Poet

by Zara, Upper Thirds


The tree outside is tranquil, (so tranquil),

At peace with the world, (at peace with the world),

It’s so chilled, (so chilled),

Not knowing that inside there is chaos, (chaos, yeah there’s chaos),

Today was pretty stressful, (quite stressful),

But I was okay, (yeah I was okay),

Uppers is hard, (hard, yeah, hard),

But I know I’m doing alright, (alright alright),

Just like that tree, (just like that tree),

I’m standing through the tough times, (yeah, yeah, yeah the tough times),


That brick wall outside, (that brick wall outside),

Stays strong for years (for years and years)

Even with the moss growing, (even with the moss growing),

It holding up, (yeah holding up),

I’m holding up, (yeah I’m holding up too)!

#GodstoweEnglish #GodstoweHappy

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In Celebration of Poetry