Super Spring Term on the Sports Field

The Spring Term was a very successful term of sport at Godstowe, taking into account the huge number of Godstowe girls playing in teams and number of wins we achieved. Here is a round-up of what our girls accomplished.
Mrs Reynolds and Miss Balsdon have coached their lacrosse teams to an impressive number of victories including wins for both the U13 and
U12 teams in the Heathfield tournament. Another notable success was our USA team getting through to the National Schools quarter-finals - they finished fifth in the country out of more than 70 schools. We were the only Prep school that entered the tournament - all the others were senior schools.
Colours were awarded to those girls who have shown determination, commitment and a high level of achievement.
Sarien Ibru, Ella Davey, Petch Rochjuphan, Isabella Ludlam, Lottie Rowlins, Imogen Sharkey, Amelia Foord, Ellie Stopps, Ella McGuire, Ella Gurney and Mia Butler

We had a huge amount netball tournaments and matches in a short space of time and the girls did very well to keep up their stamina and
competitive drive all term. Mrs Procter, Mrs Hedley, Mrs Village and Mrs Western-Kaye and Rachel Hearnshaw have all enjoyed working with the many netball teams this term. Our U11, U12, and U13 C1 and C2 teams are all unbeaten during the Spring Term. Places on teams were very competitive and some girls moved up from development squads to the A and B squads during their time at Godstowe.
It must be noted that many girls who are in our development squads end up on A and B teams in their senior schools. In fact, our U12 C1 team were so successful that they won the U12 B District Tournament - beating the B team! This just proves that the teams are often close in ability level.
Other successes this term include our U13A team winning the District Tournament. The U13 B and U13 C1 came first and second in their District Tournament. The U12 team qualified for IAPS National Finals and even got through to the semi-finals, finishing fourth in the country.
Senior Full Colours were awarded to:
Ella Gurney, Lottie Rowlins, Imogen Sharkey, Sarien Ibru, Ella Davey, Amelia Foord, Petch Rojchuphan and Ellie Stopps.
Cross Country

Mrs Sloggett has worked tirelessly with the Cross Country teams who have, once again, done Godstowe proud. Our Form I team (Year 3) won Gold in all their races. Godstowe, as usual, received the most medals at each race. In the Buckinghamshire Schools Cross Country Championships our Year 5/6 team finished second overall and our Year 7 team came third. Orla Williams effortlessly won the Year 7 race and she was crowned Year 7 Bucks Champion.
So impressive were our results, the teams even made the local press on more than one occasion.
Junior Full Colours are awarded to:
Ellie Martin, Lucy Pepperell, Maya Baker, Darcie Sloggett, Alice Crowston and Serena Pallenberg
For the very first time we awarded Full Senior Colours to someone that is an outstanding runner, Orla Williams.
Our swimmers ploughed up and down the pool all term, under the expert instruction of Mrs Sellers. They worked on their tumble turns in particular, as well as their racing starts. We entered our fastest swimmers into the IAPS Regional Gala and the U11 relay team (Alice Crowston, Ellie Martin and Jasmine van Rest, Alice Butler) qualified for the finals in both freestyle and medley relays. The following girls qualified in their individual events: Alice Moffat, Alice Crowston, Ellie Martin and Jasmine van Rest. The final is due to take place on Saturday 7th May at K2 in Crawley.
Senior Full Colours are awarded to:
Alice Moffat, Imogen Sharkey, Petch Rojchuphan, Ella Davey, Erin Davey, Millie Sellers and Evie Atkins
Sports Scholars
We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Sports Scholars:
Lottie Rowlins – Cheltenham Ladies’
Amelia Foord - Queen Anne’s
We also ran some inter-colour team events in cross country, netball and lacrosse. This gives all of our girls the opportunity to experience competition and put their skills and fitness to the test. The girls are always very keen to do well for their team and the competition is fierce.