Raising money for charity

At Godstowe we are rightly proud of our fundraising efforts in support of charities at home and abroad.
Apart from Mufti Days once or twice a term, we take part in a number of events which we hope will improve the lives of children. These include annual events such as Children in Need and the Shoebox Appeal. Each year we also make a major effort for a charity such as LEPRA and NSPCC. Godstowe has helped many charities over the years and we like to keep them on a rota, whilst also supporting other worthy causes who contact us. Sadly, despite no shortage of calls for help, it is impossible to support them all and the worst part of this job is having to say “no”.
Godstowe's Charity Calendar is set annually and the events for each term are displayed on the Charity Board, located outside the Library, near the staffroom in Main School.
After a magnificent effort in the Spring Term for NSPCC (raising more than £6,000) and a Mufti Day for the Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust (raising more than £430), we have two Mufti Days arranged for the Summer Term. These will raise funds for the Tujatane School in Zambia and Helen and Douglas House Hospice in Oxford.
Mrs Sellers is our link with Tujatane School; her father is a trustee and her brother is a film editor who has made some films about the school, which can be seen on YouTube. I am sure if you go to their website you will see how much these children need our support –http://www.tujatane.com.
The school has also provided a “wish list” of items which could be donated for the pupils. If anyone feels they could organise a collection from pupils, parents or friends of Godstowe, please follow the link on their website.
Similarly, there is a wealth of information and links to YouTube films about Helen and Douglas House on the following website: www.helenanddouglas.org.uk.