Virtual Godstowe Launched
The Summer Term began on Wednesday 22 April where we came together for a virtual assembly followed by online meetings with Tutor Groups. Today, we began a full programme of lessons and pastoral care for all of our pupils from Nursery to Fourths.
Headmistress, Sophie Green said "This isn’t the start of term that we would have liked, and we miss you all very much in person at the school. However, Godstowe is so much more than the buildings, and we are confident that our strong sense of community and family spirit will come into its own to embrace this new challenge.
The whole team at Godstowe have worked exceptionally hard to develop a full programme of virtual learning that offers a structure for our children whilst allowing flexibility to fit with families’ different circumstances.
Clearly this will be different from “normal” school, but we hope that the children will be stimulated by the change and variety of media and engage with the new opportunities. In the spirit of our School motto, ‘Finem Respice’ – strive towards your goal, we hope that all of our pupils will adapt to this temporary, new way of learning with enthusiasm and perseverance."
Information can be found on our Virtual Godstowe page, including a handbook, timetables, and recent assemblies.