Senior Choir performs at Royal Albert Hall

On Sunday 29th November, 80 girls from Godstowe sang an abridged version of Handel's "Messiah" at the Royal Albert Hall
The Senior Choir were honoured to perform at the Royal Albert Hall on Sunday. Eighty girls from Godstowe, as well as members of staff, joined more than 1,400 other singers - from 35 schools - to sing a shortened version of Messiah, with the Scratch Youth Messiah. The performance was conducted by Suzi Digby OBE, accompanied by professional soloists and orchestra.
Under the guidance of Godstowe’s Director of Music Amira Fouad and Judy Lake, the choir has had a busy term rehearsing their pieces. Their hard efforts paid off on the day and, having only had one full rehearsal with the Scratch Youth Messiah on the morning of the performance, the girls sang exceptionally well. They were also among some of the youngest choristers at the event.
The Scratch Youth Messiah was launched in 2013. To enable as many young choirs as possible to join in, the company divided Handel's Messiah into four chunks of three choruses each. Everyone sang the first chorus "And the glory of the Lord" and the final "Amen" chorus, as well as the famous "Hallelujah". Individual choirs could then choose which other pieces they would like to sing, if they wished. Godstowe sang "Behold the Lamb of God", "For unto Us a Child is Born" and "Lift up your Heads, O ye Gates".
This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for the girls and Godstowe is very proud of every one of them.