Godstowe launches Dove Diploma
Godstowe has launched a new diploma to encourage learning outside of the curriculum
The new diploma programme for girls in Years 6 to 8 aims to enable pupils to develop a range of skills and awards outside of the core curriculum, and to receive recognition for their efforts. The ‘Godstowe Dove Diploma’ scheme is progressive, involving increasing levels of commitment, learning and challenge, so that every girl can celebrate new achievements. It has been designed to encourage girls to try new activities, learn different skills and demonstrate resilience.
Godstowe excels in preparing girls for senior school, despite being non-selective. In 2019, 33 scholarships and exhibitions were awarded to top schools including Wycombe Abbey, Cheltenham Ladies’, and Wellington College, among others. The School offers so much more than just an academic education however, and with more than 50 lunchtime and after school clubs to choose from, there is a wealth of opportunities for girls to discover their passions and strengths.
An important area of focus for this academic year is resilience, and Headmistress, Sophie Green says “We are always mindful of the fact that just as important as what girls know, will be what they are like. Young people require a broad range of skills and qualities to flourish and the new Dove Diploma has been developed with this in mind.”