Pupils looking forward to upcoming events

Each term the school holds an Activities Day for Main School and this term’s will take place on Thursday (27th February). There are lots of exciting trips and activities planned, including visits to the National Gallery, V&A Museum, Wycombe Museum, Royal Festival Hall and the Jewish Museum.
Meanwhile, at Godstowe, Form I will celebrate “African Day” and take part in various workshops. The Middle Thirds will partake in a “Languages Day” and don an international costume related to the main language themes of the day: Spanish, Chinese and German. Photos from Activities Day will be available to view on the website so keep a look for them at the start of next week.
A week after Activities Day, World Book Day will be held on Thursday 6th March. Children are looking forward to dressing up as their favourite book character and they will enjoy a day celebrating books and reading. During the course of next week there will also be a “Design a Bookmark” competition and everyone will be given a £1 book token.
So, lots to look forward to at Godstowe over the next couple of weeks!