Welcome to the new academic year at Godstowe

September 4th 2013
I hope you have all enjoyed your holidays and that the children are jumping around with excitement at the prospect of starting the new academic year. Certainly the staff cannot wait!
As you are aware, the school has been undergoing some very major projects over the last 18 months and we are very close indeed to signing them off. We are absolutely delighted with the quality of our new facilities, in particular the sports hall and the theatre. You will be amazed when you get a chance to look around these brilliant additions to our school.
However, (and I expect you thought there would be a “however”), the final tarmac surface for the extensive external works is being laid over the next few days to finalise the job and this inevitably means that there will still be a few circulation issues for vehicles and pedestrians for approximately 7-10 days after which we will be able to announce our new parking arrangements for the future. Could I please ask, therefore, that you all take extreme care when walking through the school, particularly between the Main School and Lodge, observing any temporary notices and guideline fencing designed for your safety whilst ground works are completed. Certainly you will get the gist of what is an outstanding new arrangement for the outside of the Sports Hall but it will take just a little longer to finish.
School starts tomorrow at the normal time and we will be looking forward to welcoming all of our new children for the first time.