Godstowe School Shrubbery Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR Tel: 01494 529273


Godstowe School Shrubbery Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR Tel: 01494 529273

Inter-House Music Competition Results

Inter-House Music Competition Results

Written by Georgina Emmanuel, Upper Third pupil and Director of the Inter House Music Competition

On Tuesday May 11th, the Inter House Music Competition (Music Waves) was launched and entries closed on Friday 11th June allowing students to submit videos of themselves performing a piece or composition of their choice in groups or solos. There were a wide range of performances, all of very high standard and the results were very close. There were Winners and Highly Commended entires in each category (F1 & F2, LIII & MIII, UIII & IV) and the standards were so high that there are multiple winners in some categories! The winners and winning house(s) were announced on Prizegiving day. 

I’ve always been very passionate about music and I wanted to share my passion with my fellow pupils, so I decided to start this competition so that young musicians at Godstowe could have the experience of competing with their friends and among themselves, trying new skills such as composing and producing, performing in duos, trios, groups, or even solo. My idea was to encourage those who would like feedback, or those who would not like to compete outside school. 

I would like to thank the adjudicators of the very first Inter House Music Competition; our Headmistress, Ms Green, Music Teachers, Mrs Lake and Mr Button, and the Director of Music, Mr Serpetti, who is sadly leaving. I would like to thank him for all his work for the Music Department. He tirelessly and enthusiastically helps and supports the students. He has really helped and reformed music at Godstowe and he will be greatly missed.

I encourage everyone to enter the next Inter House Music Competition to help your School House win! Keep practicing! Keep playing! And keep the Music Wave on!

IHMC – Summer 2021



Highest number of entries category

House60 entries 

Highest number of finalists category

House17 finalists 







Category A: Forms I-II

WinnerHighly commended
Eleanor Ezechukwu (Solo Performance)Ella Insley (Solo Performance)
 Elizabeth Brown, Ruby Davis, Raychi Hao, Lydia McCallum, Hikari Inagaki (Ensemble Arrangement of a Song)
 Amber Wilkins, Olivia Davis (Duo Composition)

Category B: Forms LIII-MIII

WinnerHighly commended
Anaiah Ezechukwu (Solo Performance)Chizuru Yamaguchi (Solo Performance)

Category C: Forms UIII-IV

WinnerHighly commended
Millie Wells (Solo Performance)Molly Butler-Adams (Solo Performance)
Angel Idowu-Mendel, Arabella de Quincey Adams, Vivienne YangMia Shen (Ensemble Composing and Producing) 

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Inter-House Music Competition Results

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