Inaugural Iceland Trip is a big hit

Godstowe took a group of girls to Iceland for the first time during the Easter holidays. Here, some of the girls that went on the trip give an insight into their five days in Iceland.
By Kate Larard, Yan Yan Wai, Neneh Gardner, Clara O’Doherty and Charlotte Scopes
In Iceland there were many amazing things to see but here are our highlights. When we arrived in Iceland we went straight to the Blue Lagoon. It was heated by geothermal energy. We put on face packs full of minerals and enjoyed the steam room even though it was hard to breathe.
Another amazing highlight was the super jeeps. We drove up the side of a volcanic crater and then onto an ice field and through a river. When we got out we had a giant snowball fight and we made sure we all pelted Mrs Cansdale as much as possible!
We saw so many wonderful geographical features and even stood on the North America Plate and looked across the plate boundary to the Eurasian Plate. Great Geysir was a pretty smelly place (like rotten eggs) but it was spectacular when the geysirs spouted high in the air. Gulfoss waterfall was incrediable - parts of the spray had even frozen.
We spent a morning down a lava cave with hard hats on to protect us and got told horror stories in the pitch black - really scary! The cultural museum in Rekyhauik was interesting and at the geothermal park we boiled eggs in the hot water to eat with rye bread baked underground.
We totally loved our chalets which we stayed in en route to the Black Sands beach. The karaoke there was hilarious and we all loved singing Abba songs.
Our last day was incredible. We walked right behind a waterfall getting soaked by the spray along the way, climbed up 400 plus steps to Seljalandfoss waterfall and then made beach sculptures on the Black Sands beach. There were fascinating basalt columns on the beach which had formed when the lava cooled really quickly. On the way back we stopped at a museum set up by the farmer who lives under the famous ash volcano Eyjaflallajökull which errupted in 2010. We watched footage of the actual eruption which he took and enjoyed seeing the volcano now it is dormant again.
It was great to go to the outdoor geothermally heated swimming pool when we got back to our hotel. We loved the slide with disco lights and the hot tubs!
Overall it was really fun and we loved our guide Gugga and all wished we could have stayed longer.